5 de dezembro de 2011

Life's too short

Eh o nome da nova serie de comedia na BBC2. Eh muito engracada! Eh como se fosse reality show/documentario com o anao que fez o filme Willow (lembra da Sessao da tarde??), o ator Warwick Davis. E eu deixo ele falar sobre a serie:
"It was an idea that came from a conversation with Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant whom I'd first worked with on Extras. We talked about approaches I was getting from documentary producers wanting to follow me and my family. This type of thing was not for me, but maybe it would be fun to manipulate my world as an actor and person, presenting a very different version of myself and my life. And so, Life's too short was conceived - a faux documentary following a man obsessed with fame, a man whose career is on the slide, man whose wife is divorcing him, a man who just happens to be short". Daqui.  
A serie tem um humor que, na minha opiniao, eh muito ingles. Totalmente politicamente incorreto, as vezes voce sente muita pena dele por ser anao, mas outras vezes, ele tambem eh tao cretino, que voce sente vontade de dar um murro na cara dele! haha
O melhor ate agora foi o episodio com Liam Neeson, um cara que voce nunca imaginaria fazendo comedia. 

Vale a pena assistir! Life's too short: as quintas, 9.30, na BBC2.

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